Home > Ruby-DES


Ruby-DES is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Ruby implementation of DES (with ECB/CBC as a bonus!)

This is a Ruby implementation of DES (with ECB and CBC block chaining) by me and Steve Cirner (scirner22) for our Network Security class.

Here's a little breakdown of each file:

  • additions.rb This file adds methods to Ruby.s builtin Array, Integer, and String classes that we use in our other classes.

  • bruteforce.rb
    This file contains classes that perform brute force attacks against ciphertext that was encrypted using DES-CBC or DES-ECB.

  • cbc.rb
    This file contains the CBC class that implements DES-CBC.

  • des.rb
    This file contains the class that performs DES encryption/decryption on a single 64-bit block of data.

  • ebc.rb
    This file contains the ECB class that implements DES-ECB.

  • english-words.all
    This is the word list file used for brute force.

  • test.rb This is the test harness class. Run this file to try to attempt a brute force.