Home > ruby-electric


Ruby-electric is a project mainly written in Emacs Lisp, it's free.

ruby-electric for Emacs 23+

This version of ruby electric is a fork of ruby-electric.el which includes a patch that enables it to work with the version of ruby-mode which now ships with Emacs 23.

The original version can be downloaded from here: http://svn.joyent.com/opensource/dtrace/ruby/ruby-1.8.5/misc/ruby-electric.el

The joyent version of ruby-electric does not work with Emacs 23's ruby-mode. It depends on a function of the original ruby-mode - namely, ruby-insert-end - that is now missing from ruby-mode. The problem and fix are described here: http://groups.google.com/group/emacs-on-rails/browse_thread/thread/ae87fc797822bf3

This version of ruby-electric includes that fix.
