Home > ruby-snpp


Ruby-snpp is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Ruby client library for the Simple Network Pager Protocol.

Net::SNPP 0.3 README - 2003-09-25

Net::SNPP is a Ruby client library for the Simple Network Pager Protocol. For now, it implements SNPP Level 1 commands as documented in RFC1861:


Also included in the distribution is a sample client, test_snpp.rb.

Please let me know if you are using this module and how well it's working!


  • ruby 1.6 (or higher)


Uncompress the archive and enter its top directory. Then type:

$ ruby setup.rb config

($ su)

ruby setup.rb install

You can also install files into your favorite directory by supplying setup.rb some options. Try "ruby setup.rb --help".


Delete fpage.rb from the directory that holds the ruby binary and snpp.rb from your lib/ruby/site_ruby//net directory.


require 'net/snpp'

your_snpp_server = 'snpp.yourprovider.com' pager = '123456' message = 'Hello from Net::SNPP!'

c = Net::SNPP.new(your_snpp_server, 444) c.send(pager, message) c.close


This is free software. Do with it as you wish. There are no warranties. The software may or may not work.

Frank Fejes [email protected]
