Home > rules_engine


Rules_engine is a project mainly written in ..., based on the MIT license.

The Ruby and Rails Rules Engine Framework gives developers a head start in the creation of the complex business logic that drives today's business

h1. Ruby and Rails Rules Engine Framework

h4. More detailed documentation at "www.r3ef.com":http://www.r3ef.com

h2. Installation Guide

h3. 1. Create the Rails App

rails new MyCoolNewApp --skip-test-unit
cd MyCoolNewApp
rm ./public/index.html

h3. 2. Add & Install the gems


gem 'rules_engine', '>= 0.3.0'
gem 'will_paginate', '>= 3.0.pre2'
gem 'acts_as_list', '>= 0.1.2'

group :development, :test do
  gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.0.0"
  gem "webrat"

  gem 'faker'
  gem 'machinist'  

bundle install

h3. 3. Set a Root Path


root :to => "re_plans#index"

h3. 4. Generate the Code

script/rails generate rspec:install
script/rails generate rules_engine:install

h3. 5. Define the Access Levels


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  helper_method :rules_engine_reader?, :rules_engine_editor?

  def rules_engine_reader?
    # why cookies[:rules_engine_reader] ? It's a workaround for cucumber testing
    return cookies[:rules_engine_reader].nil? ? true : 
                                                cookies[:rules_engine_reader].downcase == 'true'

  def rules_engine_editor?
    # why cookies[:rules_engine_editor] ? It's a workaround for cucumber testing
    return cookies[:rules_engine_editor].nil? ? true : 
                                                cookies[:rules_engine_editor].downcase == 'true'

  def rules_engine_reader_access_required
    unless rules_engine_reader?    
      flash[:success] = 'Rules Engine Access Denied.'

  def rules_engine_editor_access_required
    unless rules_engine_editor?    
      flash[:success] = 'Rules Engine Editor Access Denied.'

h3. 6. Migrate the Database

rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

h3. 7. Create the Rule Scaffolds

Simple Rule

script/rails generate rules_engine:rule simple my_simple_rule

Complex Rule

script/rails generate rules_engine:rule complex my_complex_rule

h3. 8. Run the Tests

rake spec

h3. 9. Start the Server

script/rails server
open http://localhost:3000/re_pipelines

h3. 10. Create Workflows and Rules

Watch the demo at "r3ef":http://www.r3ef.com/
