Home > s3simple


S3simple is a project mainly written in C and C++, it's free.

Implementation of an Amazon S3 filesystem for Linux

s3simple - an Amazon filesystem for Linux

This is an implementation of an Amazon S3 filesystem for Linux with minimal dependencies. Currently it only depends on libcurl.

** The code in this repository is highly experiemental but is a good example of a simple filesystem.

Quick build and test instructions:

$ make $ sudo su

insmod s3simple.ko

./s3simple & # run s3simple in the background

mount -t s3simple /dev/zero /mnt/ # mount virtual device on /mnt

cat /mnt/hello.txt # take a look at the file's contents

umount /mnt/

ps # to get the [pid] of s3simple

kill [pid] # shut down s3simple

rmmod s3simple


$ make clean # to clean up the compiled files

Created as a term project while studying at the University of British Columbia.
