Home > SamplePokerBot-Perl


SamplePokerBot-Perl is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

A sample perl bot that plays poker against oorby.com

This is a sample bot for playing poker against Oorby's poker API. See http://www.oorby.com.

You can run this bot on the command line: ./sample-bot.pl

It will then connect to oorby, and join and play poker games until you stop it.

The key method to change is decide_next_action. That method is called when it is this bot's turn to make a move. It must look at the actions available to it (fold, call, or raise) and return one of those actions. As it is right now, it just chooses an action randomly.

This script uses some modules you can get from cpan: Data::Dumper Getopt::Long LWP::UserAgent JSON
