Home > sashimi


Sashimi is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Tools for doing mean things to Zope/Plone


Sashimi is an automatic and dynamic test case for finding and breaking untested code paths in your application. It uses fuzzing techniques combined with knowledge of how content types fit together in order to build a test site with random content and then spiders it to find broken views.

This is not 'production ready'; its something i hacked together whilst learning Plone.

Adding to test suite

Add a new test module to your project::

from myapp import BaseTestCase
from sashimi.testsuite import TestSuite

class TestCaseMixin(BaseTestCase):

    def afterSetUp(self):

    def beforeTearDown(self):

def test_suite():
    return TestSuite(TestCaseMixin)