Home > SBT-Console-Textmate-Plugin


SBT-Console-Textmate-Plugin is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

NOT ACTIVELY MAINTAINED: This is a Textmate plugin that adds a view at the bottom of a Textmate project window which allows you to type SBT commands like compile, test


This is a Textmate plugin that adds a view at the bottom of a Textmate project window which allows you to type SBT commands like compile, test etc.

To start an interactive sbt session simply type sbt or sbt shell. Once started you can exit it at any time by typing quit (as you would in the terminal). If you just want to run a single command you can just type sbt compileetc.

NOTICE: Most of the code is heavily inspired by the project Textmate Minimap by Julian Eberius .

How to: Install

Simply download the latest build from the Downloads page and add the SBT_PATH shell variable in Textmate. It has to point to a shell script that starts SBT without colors, here's an example:

java -Xmx1512M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dsbt.log.noformat=true  -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch-0.7.4.jar "$@"

My SBT path is set like this:

SBT_PATH = /Users/Mads/dev/tools/sbt/sbtnocolors

How to: Use

Simply open a Textmate project and press ctrl+shift+1 and it will toggle the terminal. Now you can type in any SBT command and see the input in the console-view.

cmd+shift+1 will toggle focus between the document and the console.

To start an interactive sbt session simply type sbt or sbt shell. Once started you can exit it at any time by typing quit (as you would in the terminal). If you just want to run a single command you can just type sbt compileetc.

The plugin adds a preference tab where you can change the colors used to display errors/warnings etc.
