Home > sbt-deploy


Sbt-deploy is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A simple-build-tool plugin for deploying a Scala project to a server

h1. A simple-build-tool 0.10.x / 0.11.x plugin for deploying a project

h2. Overview

The sbt-deploy plugin consists of a set of plugins that provide reusable tasks and methods for defining deploy sequences. A deploy sequence is a task that consists of one or more tasks that deploys a distribution to a execution environment. Starting and stopping the service, database migrations, etc. may be part of the deployment process as deploy sequence may consist of user defined tasks.

h2. Installation and usage

Create a file, project/plugins/build.sbt, for plugin library dependencies with the following lines, if you're using sbt 0.10.x:

  resolvers += "sbt-deploy-repo" at "http://reaktor.github.com/sbt-deploy/maven"

libraryDependencies += "fi.reaktor" %% "sbt-deploy" % "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT"

and if sbt 0.11.x:

  resolvers += "sbt-deploy-repo" at "http://reaktor.github.com/sbt-deploy/maven"

addSbtPlugin("fi.reaktor" %% "sbt-deploy" % "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT")

Then, start using the plugin by amending your settings in the build as follows:

import sbt._
import Keys._

import sbt.deploy.BasicDeployPlugin import sbt.deploy.BasicDeployPlugin._ import sbt.deploy.BasicDeployPlugin.{Keys => BDP}

object MyProjectBuild extends Build { lazy val envSettings = Seq( BDP.user := "user", BDP.host := "localhost", BDP.instDirParent := new File("/opt/my-project") ) lazy val MyProject = Project( id = "my-project", base = file("."), settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ envSettings + basicDeploySettings ) }
