Home > sbt-yui


Sbt-yui is a project mainly written in Scala, based on the MIT license.

Yui Compressor Plugin for sbt

h2. Yui Compressor Plugin for SBT

"simple-build-tool":http://code.google.com/p/simple-build-tool/ plugin to minify CSS and JS files in a web project using Yahoo's Yui Compressor

SBT is the scala based build tool with smart continuous compilation and a dsl syntax

This plugin was heavily influenced by David Bernard's Yui compressor plugin for maven: "davidB/yuicompressor-maven-plugin":http://github.com/davidB/yuicompressor-maven-plugin

h2. Usage

Check out the "Use the Plugin" section of the "SbtPlugins Howto":http://code.google.com/p/simple-build-tool/wiki/SbtPlugins

In your Plugins.scala:

instead of

 val a = ... 
 val sbtYui = "hoffrocket" %% "sbt-yui" %% "0.2.1"

Mix in to your project definition:

  class MyWebProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultWebProject(info) with hoffrocket.YuiCompressorPlugin ...