Home > scala-letter-freq


Scala-letter-freq is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

A tiny Scala program that finds the frequency of each letter in the ispell dictionary files.

Scala Letter Frequency

A simple Scala program that calculates the frequency of letters in the ispell dictionary files.


This is the output of the program:

Total letters: 1017741
a:  84144       8.27%
b:  20084       1.97%
c:  44569       4.38%
d:  34378       3.38%
e:  111379      10.94%
f:  12925       1.27%
g:  26626       2.62%
h:  25393       2.50%
i:  87883       8.64%
j:  1870        0.18%
k:  9244        0.91%
l:  58331       5.73%
m:  30627       3.01%
n:  70276       6.91%
o:  67744       6.66%
p:  30201       2.97%
q:  1806        0.18%
r:  73923       7.26%
s:  77032       7.57%
t:  69772       6.86%
u:  34826       3.42%
v:  10384       1.02%
w:  8000        0.79%
x:  3177        0.31%
y:  20827       2.05%
z:  2320        0.23%


I used SBT to build/run the program. If you are on OSX and have Home Brew installed, you can just do this:

$ brew install sbt

Then in the root of this source, you can do

$ sbt run

It should download all the dependencies (for SBT, this program doesn't require anything other than the native Scala libs) and then run.