Home > scalampp


Scalampp is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Scala XMPP Client/Server (School assignment)

h1. Projecto de SD

Alcides Fonseca [email protected]

h2. Compiling

@ant compile@

h2. Running

(Make sure the db/dev.db is writable)

@ant ns@

In the build folder:

@scala BootServer 5222@ - Starts the XMPP server in the port 5222

@scala BootClient@ - Starts a XMPP client

@scala BootClient --jabber@ - Starts a XMPP client connecting to Jabber.org

h3. WebInterface:

Start the Tomcat from the build folder, after compiling. Also, make a softlink from the ROOT folder in the tomcat home to the public folder in this project. This alone should be enough to run the project.