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Scalatip is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

Collects Scala tips from Twitter

h1. ScalaTip

"ScalaTip":http://scalatip.org/ is a web application collecting, persisting and showing tweets containing "#Scala Tip of the Day". It is also a simple demo for lots of awesome Scala libraries like "Akka":http://akka.io/, "Lift":http://liftweb.net/, "Casbah":http://api.mongodb.org/scala/casbah/ (for MongoDB), etc. playing nicely together.

Currently ScalaTip uses Akka 1.1-SNAPSHOT which isn't available from a public repository. Therefore, if you want to build it yourself, you first have to build Akka (the akka-actor module is sufficient) and publish it to your local repository.

ScalaTips is open source software licensed under the "Apache 2.0 License":http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. If you are interested in the code, just use it!