Home > scapegoat


Scapegoat is a project mainly written in Clojure, based on the MIT license.

Clojure implementation of a Scapegoat tree


Scapegoat is an implementation of the Scapegoat Tree, a self balancing binary tree with worst-case O(log n) lookup time and O(log n) amortized insertion and deletion time.

See the Wikipedia page for more details.


This implementation uses a zipper in order to traverse the tree and make updates. The result is an immutable tree with shared structure between updates.


(use 'scapegoat.core)

(-> (new-tree 0.707) ;; where 0.707 is the alpha balance of the tree
    (insert 5 :v1)   ;; where 5 is the key and :v1 is the value
    (insert 10 :v2)
    (delete 5)       ;; where 5 is a key in the tree
    (search 10))     ;; returns :v1