Home > scientific_functions


Scientific_functions is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

This plugin contains a function that converts to number to a specified number of significant digits. This IS NOT the same as rounding.


This plugin contains a function that converts to number to a specified number of significant digits. This IS NOT the same as rounding.


"7.2234".sigfigs(3)     =  "7.22"
"0.00034423".sigfigs(4) =  "0.0003442"


Feature: Displaying Significant Figures

Scenario Outline: Returning numbers with the correct number of signficant figures
 Given a number <number>
 And  an amount of sigfigs, <sigfigs>
 Then I should get a result of <result>

 Scenarios: Different numbers
 | number    | sigfigs     | result     |
 | 5         | 3           |  5.00      |
 | 52334     | 4           |  52330     |
 | 52337     | 4           |  52340     |
 | 0.003322  | 2           |  0.0033    |
 | 0.003362  | 2           |  0.0034    |
 | 0.003362  | 3           |  0.00336   |
 | 520.334   | 4           |  520.3     |
 | 520.334   | 5           |  520.33    |
 | 520.334   | 3           |  520       |
 | 520.334   | 2           |  520       |
 | 7.003     | 3           |  7.00      |
 | 7.003     | 4           |  7.003     |
 | -5        | 3           |  -5.00     |
 | -52334    | 4           |  -52330    |
 | -52337    | 4           |  -52340    |
 | -0.003322 | 2           |  -0.0033   |
 | -0.003362 | 2           |  -0.0034   |
 | -0.003362 | 3           |  -0.00336  |
 | -520.334  | 4           |  -520.3    |
 | -520.334  | 5           |  -520.33   |
 | -520.334  | 3           |  -520      |
 | -520.334  | 2           |  -520      |
 | -7.003    | 3           |  -7.00     |
 | -7.003    | 4           |  -7.003    |
 | 8.003     | 6           |  8.00300   |
 | 50.223    | 2           |  50        |
 | 50.223    | 3           |  50.2      |
 | 50.223    | 8           |  50.223000 |
 | 52.01     | 4           |  52.01     |
 | 52.01     | 5           |  52.010    |
 | -52.01    | 4           | -52.01     |
 | 0.025     | 3           | 0.0250     | 
 | -0.025    | 4           | -0.02500   |
 | 0.26174   | 3           | 0.262      |
 | -0.26174  | 3           | -0.262     |

Copyright (c) 2010 Matthew Wilson, released under the MIT license
