Home > scipyshare


Scipyshare is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

========== Scipyshare

Platform for sharing scientific codes for Python.

.. note::

All of this is still very much under development!

Don't expect it to work properly or look nice.

============ Installation

You must have Django installed: <http://www.djangoproject.com/>_

. Create databases::

cd deploy
python manage.py syncdb

This will also ask you to create a superuser name and password.

. Load sample data::

python manage.py loaddata sample

. Start webserver::

python manage.py runserver

. To edit things,

. Log in as an user by going to


. Use the UI to edit things (NB. heavily under construction at the moment)


. Log in as a superuser (created above) by going to


. Select the items to edit or create