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Semantic is a project mainly written in ..., based on the LPPL-1.3c license.

Mirror of the semantic LaTeX package (see CTAN) with bugfix

The semantic package

This is a mirror of the LaTeX semantic package, found on CTAN here: http://www.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/semantic/

The package is © 1995--2002 Peter Møller Neergaard and Arne John Glenstrup. I have added one patch, which means that any comp or eval environment correctly uses compsymbol or evalsymbol, so that these can be changed inside a document.

For example:

comp{C1 ; C2}{d} = mathtt{d’} quad
  	exttt{if $comp{C1}{d} = mathtt{d’’}$ and
    $comp{C2}{d’’} = mathtt{d’}$}

will use a mathcal{Z} as the command symbol.
