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SemanticBookshelf is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

ISBN lookup and conversion into semantic store

Semantic BookShelf

A php isbn lookup and RDF conversion bookshelf project


lookup titles by isbn in worldcat, bibsys, isbndb, librarything and openlibrary

Results are parsed into turtle RDF (semantic format) and inserted into RDF store

RDF store is used for book lookup and editing

Many thanks to Benjamin Nowack for providing open source ARC2 RDF library toolkit


Suggestions for improval, uses, and corrections, please don't hesitate to contact:

Creator: Benjamin Rokseth

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: 2010-11-10

REQUIREMENTS: Working LAMP stack or similar (webserver, mysql, php)


  1. copy entire content to web folder
  2. use included arc.tar.gz or obtain newest ARC2 RDF library from http://arc.semsol.org/ and extract into subfolder "arc"
  3. create mysql database and user, and grant proper rights to user
  4. edit config.php to reflect user, password and database settings created in mysql above : 'db_user' => 'DBUSER', 'db_pwd' => 'DBPASSWORD', 'db_name' => 'DBNAME',
  5. publish webfolder and access at http://hostname/webpath/index.php
  6. librarything and worldcat require api keys. Get these and insert into isbnlookup.php

FILES README - this file index.php - main library catalogue, browse or search catalogue, edit/delete triples isbnlookup.php - isbn lookup tool, insert isbn, get parsed RDF result and insert into mysql RDF store endpoint.php - sparql endpoint for catalogue, settings from config.php config.php - database and endpoint settings arc.tar.gz - RDF library framework, extract into folder 'arc' style.css - simple stylesheet
