Home > Send-to-Eggdrop


Send-to-Eggdrop is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

An extension for Google Chrome allow people to easily send URL, title and a summary of a webpage to an IRC channel.

Send to Eggdrop


An extension for Google Chrome which allows users to quickly and easily share a link to a webpage or image with an IRC channel.

This functionality passes the information about the URL via a php script to an Eggdrop IRC bot which will announce to the channel who sent the link, the URL and the title.


There are 3 parts to this:

  1. A tcl script which needs a bit of config editing and installed on your eggdrop bot
  2. A php script which needs config and be placed in a world readable directory on your webserver
  3. The Chrome extension itself, will prompt for the required config options when you install it


Open up the Send-to-Eggdrop.tcl file in your favourite text editor. At the very top of the file you'll see the following:

Edit these options with the obvious things. Save the file into the scripts directory in your eggdrop install path. Edit your eggdrop.conf and add the following line to the end of the file:

Rehash (or just restart) your eggdrop bot.


Open up the Send-to-Eggdrop.php file. At the very top of the file you'll see the following:

$send2bot['botip'] = ""; // your bot's ip
$send2bot['botport'] = ""; // the port which you configured in the tcl
$send2bot['pass'] = ""; // the password which you configured in the tcl

Edit these with the obvious things (placing your settings inside the empty double quotes). Save this file somewhere world readable on your webserver.


Install the Send to Eggdrop extension for Chrome.

<more detail coming here as soon as I've compiled the extension>
