Home > sergio_proxy


Sergio_proxy is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

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Sergio Proxy (a Super Effective Recorder of Gathered Inputs and Outputs) is an HTTP proxy that was written in Python for the Twisted framework. It's not anything new (many people have done this before, and better), but I wanted to learn how it's done and this seemed a good way to go about doing it. As this started out as a quest to develop a better way of attacking an SMB challenge hash vulnerability, I have implemented that as one of my included MITM attacks. I also included the classic Upsidedownternet attack for more fun.

Hopefully I will be adding some more unique features in the near future when I get time. Until then, this is all GPL, so feel free to modify and distribute as you see fit.


This is alpha software. No, seriously. I'm not talking Google's "oh, this might break once or twice if you use it for years." No, I mean seriously alpha, as in the bugs you will encounter will make you start screaming "WTF, is this man the worst coder to have ever wasted space on the Earth?" Yes, that bad. Hopefully, with your bug reports and some more of my time, it will get more stable. But until then, you have been warned.

In a similar vein, there are already some known issues with this software that I would ask you not to waste my time reporting. First, this does not support SSL MITM. Not yet anyway. Yeah, I know, what good is it if it doesn't work with SSL? But that's how it is. I'm going to have to implement it for the Twisted framework, and it is going to be a bit painful, so bear with me. Also, I have listed a couple of known bugs belowL PLEASE READ THEM BEFORE YOU SUBMIT REPORTS.


twisted.web Python library PIL if you want upsidedownternet and greynet to work Python (obviously)


  • HTTP/1.1 Support - this will involve modifying twisted itself, so don't hold your breath for this any time soon.

  • Add SSL MITM support - This will involve modifying the existing SSL code to inject it's own certs in the middle. Should be doing this in the next release.

  • Improve speed

  • Add more anti-caching features

  • Add more attacks, obviously


Transparent Proxy: Flash doesn't seem to load - weird...should just be another HTTP session A small portion of pages hang/treated as binary for no apparent reason

MITM Class: The current version of PIL in the Ubuntu repo's has a bug that causes parsing of PNG files. You have been warned. The patch available below can fix this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-imaging/+bug/383228

HTTP Reply Headers in HTML: For some odd reason, part of the request headers gets printed out at the end of some pages. Haven't had time to investigate why.


Send them to me at supernothing AT spareclockcycles DOT org.
