Home > serkis


Serkis is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Serkis is wiki software that is beautiful and easy to use.


Serkis is wiki software that is beautiful and simple to use. It runs as a Sinatra rack application that uses a modified version of Gollum. It adds authentication via Basecamp and allows for multiple users.

Pages that are written in Serkis are saved to pages/.


git clone [email protected]:smashcon/serkis.git  # Warning: read-only.
cd serkis

# Create the git repo that will be used by Gollum to track changes to the wiki.
git init pages

# Import the submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update

# Install the files
bundle install
alias be="bundle exec"

# Kick it off in development mode
be ruby app.rb

Now go and open http://localhost:4567/ in your browser and start contributing.


Serkis was developed for internal use. We wanted to open source it so that people could see what we were up to but there are elements of it that are still pretty tightly tied to our needs at the moment. (This is why we have it so tightly coupled with Basecamp's authentication API.)

We haven't had time to split out the authentication into a Warden strategy yet or to even make the particular Basecamp subdomain configurable. These are on the to-do list.


Original code © 2011 Michael Camilleri. Serkis is distributed under an MIT Licence.
