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Servee_blog is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Servee Blog, cribbed...and wildly changed from biblion to the point of being unrecognizable. In fact, you probably don't want to use it right now.

=========== Servee Blog

The Servee blog was originally grown out of Biblion, made by Eldarion

============== Biblion README

Biblion was the eldarion.com blog which we've extracted and open sourced. It is currently positioned as being used for site/project blogs such as eldarion.com and pinaxproject.com. We intend for this app to replace the internal Pinax blog app once we've made it feature complete.

Current features include:

  • support for multiple channels (e.g. technical vs business)
  • use of Creole as markup format
  • Atom feeds
  • previewing of blog posts before publishing
  • optional ability to announce new posts on twitter