Home > session_tracker


Session_tracker is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Track when users visit certain actions for the first time

h2. SessionTracker

SessionTracker is a rails plugin that provides a simple DSL for tracking when a user visits an action.

This is primarily useful when you want to know how far a user progresses into your application and how long it takes them to reach certain features, or if they reach them at all.

h2. Install It!

@script/plugin install git://github.com/localocracy/session_tracker.git@

h3. Create a migration for the trackers table

@script/generate migration create_trackers@

  class CreateTrackers < ActiveRecord::Migration

    def self.up
      create_table :trackers do |t|
        t.integer  :user_id   # required!
        t.datetime :eaten_at
        t.integer  :pizza_id

    def self.down
      drop_table :trackers


h3. Add it to the controllers you want to track

  class PizzaController < ApplicationController

    track :eat, :with => :eaten_at

    def eat


Or if you only want to track the action if @@pizza@ is valid, pass a symbol with the same name as the instance variable and SessionTracker will call @valid?@ on the object before setting @eaten_at@ to @Time.now@

  class PizzaController < ApplicationController

    track :eat, :with => :eaten_at, :object => :pizza



Lastly, you can track a foreign key to the object by simply passing more than one column name to the @:with@ option

  class PizzaController < ApplicationController

    track :eat, :with => [:eaten_at, :pizza_id], :object => :pizza



h2. Cheers!

Let me know if you find any bugs or have any feature suggestions.

Props to @be9/acl9@ for providing the design pattern that this plugin is based on.

Copyright (c) 2010 [Localocracy, Aaron Soules], released under the MIT license
