Home > sfCaptchaGDPlugin


SfCaptchaGDPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the View license.

Personal mirror for usage as submodule

sfCaptchaGD plugin

The sfCaptchaGDPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides captcha functionality based on GD library.

It gives you the lib with Captcha class and the module to secure your symfony forms in a minute with a good captcha.


Install the plugin for sf >= 1.2

php symfony plugin:install sfCaptchaGDPlugin

Install the plugin for sf 1.1

php symfony plugin:install sfCaptchaGDPlugin --release=1.0.7

Install the plugin for sf 1.0

php symfony plugin-install http://plugins.symfony-project.com/sfCaptchaGDPlugin


Enable one or more modules, add I18N helper and enable internationalization in your settings.yml

    enabled_modules:      [default, sfCaptchaGD]
    standard_helpers:     [Partial, Cache, I18N]
    i18n:                 true

Clear your cache

symfony cc

Secure your form

To secure a symfony form for sf >= 1.2

Add captcha field in your form class:

  'captcha' => new sfWidgetCaptchaGD(),

  'captcha' => new sfCaptchaGDValidator(array('length' => 4)),

Length - captcha length, optional.

Don't forget to bind captcha value to form like this:

  'captcha'   => $request->getParameter('captcha'),

To secure a symfony form for sf 1.0 & 1.1

Put the following lines inside of your form

<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('captcha')) echo form_error('captcha') ?>
<?php echo input_tag('captcha', $sf_params->get('captcha')) ?><br>
<a href='' onClick='return false' title='Reload image'><img src='/captcha?<?php echo time(); ?>' onClick='this.src="/captcha?r=" + Math.random() + "&amp;reload=1"'></a>

Put the following code into your form's validator yml file:

      msg:            Enter characters from image
      captcha_error:  Entered characters are wrong, try again

Configuration options

These options are default for captcha, you can change any of them, putting in app.yml

        image_width:                100 # image width in pixels
        image_height:               30 # image height in pixels
        chars:                      "123456789" # possible chars in captcha
        length:                     4 # length of captcha
        font_size:                  18 # font size
        force_new_captcha:          false # if true - captcha regenerated EVERY request, even if user input true value before

        # possible chars colors
        font_color:                 ["252525", "8b8787", "550707", "3526E6", "88531E"]

        # chars fonts
        fonts:                      ["akbar/akbar.ttf", "brushcut/BRUSHCUT.TTF", "molten/molten.ttf", "planet_benson/Planetbe.ttf", "whoobub/WHOOBUB_.TTF"] 
        background_color:           DDDDDD # image background color
        border_color:               000000 # image border color

== TODO ==

None at this moment.
