Home > sfCkPlugin


SfCkPlugin is a project mainly written in ..., based on the MIT license.

Unobtrousive integration of the CKEditor for symfony 1.4


The sfCkPlugin offers unobtrousive integration for symfony and the js-based WYSIWYG editor CK.

Installation and configuration


Use the default plugin installer procedure

php symfony plugin:install sfCkPlugin


Enable the plugin in your projectConfiguration class:

public function setup()

publish plugin's assets:

php symfony plugin:publish-assets

add plugin's JS to the application or module you want to use it into.

For example, if I want to use CK for all the teaxtareas of my backend, I'd edit


with the following code:

javascripts:    [/sfCkPlugin/js/sfCkPlugin.js]

Then download the editor's package, put the ckeditor folder under:


and enable the editor package where you want to have CKEditor enabled ( for example, the already-discussed view.yml ):

// apps/backend/config/view.yml
javascripts:    [ckeditor/ckeditor,/sfCkPlugin/js/sfCkPlugin.js]

You're done!

Unobtrousive... and flexible!

If you want to disable the CKeditor in a textarea widget you only need to pass it the no-editor class:

$this->widgetSchema['myTextarea'] = new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array(), array('class' => 'no-editor'));