Home > sfDecoratedDecoratorPlugin


SfDecoratedDecoratorPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the View license.

Will help you decorate your symfony layouts, adding a two-level decoration.

This plugin will offer you a way to wrap your $sf_content within a layout, then wrap it again within another layout.

It is a two-level template decoration, following the symfony view layout+template way.

$sf_content decorated by "your layout" decorated by "usual symfony layout"


Via git :

--Fork it !

git clone [email protected]:stephaneerard/sfDecoratedDecoratorPlugin.git plugins/sfDecoratedDecoratorPlugin

Enable it !


in setup() :

  //... other bunch of plugins

In your modules, create a view directory : apps/front/modules/dmFront/view/

In this directory, create a xxxxSuccessView.class.php file, which will be the view engine used to render your xxxx action.

For example, for the pageSuccess template, the pageSuccessView file will be loaded and it should find in it a pageSuccessView class. This class will be instanciated by the symfony framework for you.

This plugin offers you a class named sfDecoratedDecoratorView, so basically all you have to do is to make your pageSuccessView extend this class !

<?php class pageSuccessView extends sfDecoratedDecoratorView {


Then configure your app.yml: all:

decoratedDecorator: dir: <?php echo sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir')?>/front/modules/dmFront/templates template: myDecoratedDecoratedLayout.php

That's all !