Home > sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin


SfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

[symfony 1.4 plugin] a simple login history for sfGuardUsers

sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin - A simple login history for sfGuardUsers

This very simple plugin adds a new model to your project called UserLoginHistory. In its table you will get a new entry with each login and logout to your website using the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.

Whenever a user logs in UserLoginHistory will save the users id, the time and date of the login and the IP address from which the login was executed.

Getting started sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin

Simply install sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin like this:

$ php symfony plugin:install sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin

Or simply download the latest version and put it into your projects plugins folder.

Now activate the plugin in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php

$this->enablePlugins(..., 'sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin');

Now rebuild all model classes in order to complete the installation.

$ php symfony doctrine:build --all-classes

Now the plugin is fully installed and working.

Extending the history

You may want to log more than just the IP address and time and date. Doing this is actually very simple.

Just extend the schema definition of UserLoginHistory in your config/schema.yml and add the fields you want to add.

    customField: string(255)

To implement your business logic you can edit the table class in your projects lib folder.

// /lib/model/doctrine/sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin/UserLoginHistoryTable.class.php
class UserLoginHistoryTable extends PluginUserLoginHistoryTable
  public static function writeHistoryEntry(sfEvent $event)
    // your business code goes here..

You only override the static method writeHistoryEntry() and in it don't forget to call the parent as well. Then you can implement your own code to fill you custom fields.
