Home > sfDoctrineSlotPlugin


SfDoctrineSlotPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

Easily implement an "open schema" (e.g. add data to non-existent fields) on any model


Allows for non-existent columns of data on a model to be persisted and retrieved as if those columns existed in the schema.

These nonexistent columns of data are called slots. So, a slot is a field on your model that doesn't really exist in the schema.

Suppose the following model exists:

    title:    string(255)
    body:     clob

A "fake" column link_url could be added to any Blog record:

$blog = new Blog();

// register the pseudo field "link_url"s a "url" type
$blog->createSlot('link_url', 'url');

// now use the field as if it were a real field
$blog->link_url = 'http://www.sympalphp.org';
echo $blog->link_url;

The second argument to createSlot() is a type, which defines its widget and validator for when used in a form.

The data is actually stored in a separate table, sfDoctrineSlot, and related to the Blog model via a many-to-many table (BlogSlot) that is created automatically.


With git

git submodule add git://github.com/weaverryan/sfDoctrineSlotPlugin.git plugins/sfDoctrineSlotPlugin
git submodule init
git submodule update

With subversion

svn propedit svn:externals plugins

In the editor that's displayed, add the following entry and then save

sfDoctrineSlotPlugin https://svn.github.com/weaverryan/sfDoctrineSlotPlugin.git

Finally, update:

svn up


In your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php file, make sure you have the plugin enabled.



To enable the slot functionality, simply add the sfDoctrineSlotTemplate behavior to your model via the schema.yml file:

    title:    string(255)
    body:     clob

A many-to-many model called BlogSlot, or more generally YourModelSlot will be generated automatically.

Creating, getting & setting slots

The purpose behind a slot is to allow you to easily add data to a non-existent field on your model. This in itself is a bit magical - but the magic is minimized as much as possible.

Before adding and retrieving data from a slot (non-existent field), you'll need to create it via the createSlot() method.

The following code will throw an exception because the field doesn't exist on the schema for the Blog model and the link_url hasn't yet been created as a slot:

echo $blog->link_url;

Once you create the slot, however, it can be accessed and mutated like any other field:


$blog->link_url = 'http://www.sympalphp.org';
echo $blog->link_url;

The createSlot() method also has an optional string second argument $type (see next section) and an optional third argument $defaul_value:

$blog->createSlot('link_url', 'url', 'http://www.sympalphp.org');

NOTE Like a real field, the link_url value won't be persisted into the database until you call $blog->save(). The same is true for the removeSlot() method.

Field types

As we'll cover in the next section, it's very easy to add any slot fields to a form object so that they can be saved to the database.

Unfortunately, since each slot field isn't defined in schema.yml, a widget and validator can't be setup for it automatically. Furthermore, setting up a slot field in your form defeats the purpose of a slot. A slot should be a fringe-case - if it's so well-known that you setup its widget and validator in a form class, then that field should be a part of your model's schema in the first place.

To address this problem, each slot field is assigned a string "type", which is saved in the database for that slot. Each type consists of a widget and a validator. These slot types are defined entirely in app.yml and can be fully configured:

all: doctrine_slot: default_type: text types: textarea: widget: sfWidgetFormTextarea validator: sfValidatorString

The type for a slot is set as the second argument of createSlot(). If left blank, it will default to the type defined by url in app.yml:

$blog->createSlot('link_url', 'text', 'http://www.sympalphp.org');

In the above example, the url field defines an sfWidgetFormInputText widget and an sfValidatorUrl validator.

Adding slots to a form

With the definition of a field type for each slot, adding slots to a form is easy. To add any slot fields to your form, call addSlotFields() on your form object:

class BlogForm extends BaseBlogForm
  public function configure()

Any slot fields on the form's Blog object will be added to the form with the widget and validator defined by that slot's field type. You can also pass an array to addSlotFields() with the name of the fields to add (all other slot fields won't be added to the form).

Since you won't know the name of your slot fields, iterate through the slot fields and render them:

<?php foreach($form->getSlotFields() as $name): ?>
  <?php echo $form[$name]->renderRow() ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Efficient querying

Without the proper query, the use of slots can increase the number of queries that your application makes. To avoid this, simply joing over to the Slots relationship when querying for your object:

$blog = Doctrine_Query::create()
  ->from('Blog b')
  ->leftJoin('b.Slots s');

Or even easier, use the helper method on your table class:

class BlogTable extends Doctrine_Table
  public function find($id)
    $q = $this->createQuery('b')
      ->where('b.id = ?', $id);

    $q =$this->addSlotQuery($q);

    return $q->execute();

The addSlotQuery adds the join portion of the query for you. The first argument is optional. The second argument specifies the alias to use for Slots and defaults to a.


The sfDoctrineSlotTemplate behavior adds a few other methods to your model.

  • createSlot($name) Gets or creates a slot of the given name and returns the sfDoctrineSlot object. If the slot doesn't already exist, this will create a new sfDoctrineSlot object and link it to your model via the many-to-many relationship behind the scenes. While the sfDoctrineSlot object is created immediately, you'll need to call save() on your record before the link is completed in the database. This means that the slot will act just like setting any normal field.

  • getSlot($name) Equivalent to createSlot($name) except that it returns null of the slot doesn't exist.

  • hasSlot($name) Returns true if the slot exists

  • removeSlot($name) Removes the slot reference to this object (if it exists). The sfDoctrineSlot object itself will remain. You must call save() on your record before the reference is removed in the database.

Several other methods are available. See sfDoctrineSlotTemplate for more methods and their full details.

Known Issues

Be careful with how you name your slots. This functionality uses a lot of Doctrine magic, and each column (e.g. my_field) is translated internally to the lower camel-case getter/setter (e.g. getMyField()) and then translated back to the field name (e.g. my_field). Some field names will not make this translate well. For example:

my_slot_1 => getMySlot1() => my_slot1

In other words, by the time this plugin is notified of the field, it is improperly named.

Care to Contribute?

Please clone and improve this plugin! This plugin is by the community and for the community and I hope it can be final solution for handling menus.

If you have any ideas, notice any bugs, or have any ideas, you can reach me at ryan.weaver [at] iostudio.com.

A bug tracker is available at http://redmine.sympalphp.org/projects/sfdoctrineslotplugin

This plugin was taken from sympal CMF and was developed by both Ryan Weaver and Jon Wage.
