Home > sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin


SfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the MIT license.

This project is a Symfoy plugin which allow user to get a beautiful and powerfull gallery the easyest way !

sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin v1.1.4

This plugin generates a gallery management module with an ajax multiple photo uploader.

After installation you can access:

* frontend:
    /portfolios - to view all galleries

* backend:
    /gallery - to manipulating with galleries

Note: All available routes stored in sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin/config/doctrine/routing.yml

Internationalization supports (En - Fr)


  1. To manipulate pictures, you have to install on your server the GD library or imagemagick.

  2. JavaScript libraries:

    • jQuery
    • Galleriffic


  1. you can watch a screencast here: Video
  2. you can follow the instructions below
  3. you can follow the instructions on Leny Bernard website


In order to install the plugin sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin: Type one of these symfony commands:

plugin:install sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin


Download the file here

Then extract its content in the plugins directory of your project :

plugin:install sfMultipleAjaxUploadGalleryPlugin

Get the plugin's resources by typing:

symfony publish-assets

Then clear the cache:

`symfony cc` or `symfony cache:clear`

A last task to do is to enable the gallery and photos modules (backend) and the portfolio module (frontend) in the settings.yml specific app config's folder.

You have to enter folowing lines if its doesn't already exist

# /apps/backend/settings.yml
    enabled_modules: [gallery, photos]

If it does exists, you just have to add in the list the gallery module like below:

# /apps/backend/settings.yml
    enabled_modules: [myOthersModule, gallery, photos]

same procedure that before

# /apps/frontend/settings.yml
    enabled_modules: [portfolio]

----------- or -----

# /apps/frontend/settings.yml
    enabled_modules: [myOthersModule, portfolio]

You can now access to the gallery and get its awesome functionnalities. The plugin is customizable. So you can :

choose the different sizes that you want for your thumbnails :

    - 50
    - 150
    - 300

choose the default thumbnail size:

  default_size: 50 # default, if not in thumbnails_sizes array new thumbnail is created

Choose the portfolio thumbnail and full image sizes:

  portfolio_thumbnails_size: 150
  portfolio_full_size: 300

Chose the behavior when deleting a gallery:

  onDelete: cascade # none or cascade, cascade remove all gallery's photos

the galleries path:

  path_gallery: <?php echo sfConfig::get("sf_upload_dir")."/gallery/" ;?>

The plugin use an extern library (GD is set by default but you can totally use imagemagick instead) in order to save your photos in some widths {by default: 50px, 150px, 300px, orignal size}
