Home > sfPHPUnit2Plugin-Demo


SfPHPUnit2Plugin-Demo is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

symfony 1.4 project with enabled sfPHPunit2Plugin for demo purposes


This symfony sandbox should demonstrate the usage and handling of the sfPHPUnit2Plugin. More to come soon ...


generate and call some unit tests

./symfony phpunit:generate-unit Sprinter ./symfony phpunit:generate-configuration phpunit test/phpunit/unit/SprinterTest.php

./symfony phpunit:generate-unit Race phpunit test/phpunit/unit/RaceTest.php

./symfony phpunit:generate-unit --dir=model ContestantTable phpunit test/phpunit/unit/model/ContestantTableTest.php

run all unit tests

phpunit test/phpunit/unit

geneated and called some functional tests

./symfony phpunit:generate-functional frontend contestant ./symfony phpunit:generate-functional backend contestant

run all functional tests

phpunit test/phpunit/functional

test everything

phpunit test/phpunit

should return

OK (5 tests, 213 assertions)
