Home > sftp_sync_plugin


Sftp_sync_plugin is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A plugin for Ruby on Rails that will synchronize a remote SFTP and a local folder (or vice versa).

= SFTP Sync Plugin

This plugin provides a very simple mechanism for synchronizing a local folder with an SFTP location. It uses a very simple algorithm that compares modification dates.

== Dependencies

This plugin requires the Net::SFTP and the Net::SSH module. You can download a copy from the project's respective websites.



This plugin was tested with version Net::SFTP 2.0.4 and Net::SSH 2.0.17.

We also require ftools for managing files on the local side, YAML for storing the modification times of the files between runs, and Log4r for logging messages to the console.

== Installation

You can add this plugin to your project with the following incantation:

./script/plugin install git://github.com/cmiles74/sftp_sync_plugin.git

== Example

First, create a new instance that can connect to the remote server.

sync = SftpSync("somehost.somewhere.com",

Next, pull the files from the remote location to your local machine.

sync.pull("remote_dir", "/home/local_dir", true)

The last parameter is a boolean value that indicates to SftpSync that you want to delete files on the local side that are not present on the remote side.

Later on you can push the files back up to the remote location. Any files that you edited will be uploaded.

sync.push("remote_dir", "/home/local_dir", true)

The last parameter is a boolean value that indicates to SftpSync that you want to delete files on the remote side that are not present on the local side.

== Contact

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me directly.

Christopher Miles
[email protected]