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Timers is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

Performance timers in Javascript for when you want very focused timers

Performance Timers for Javascript

I wrote this to be a lightweight alternative to using the profiler that comes with many web browsers. This allows you to set timers, and create "sets" of timers where you can gather collective statistics such as total elapsed time, the average elapsed time, and standard deviation.

This can be used in either the browser or as a CommonJS module (i.e. NodeJS).


// Start a timer that is not a member of a set
var id = Timers.start();

// Stop the timer
var elapsed = Timers.stop(id);

// Start two timers that are members of a set called "set"
var id = Timers.start("set");
var id2 = Timers.start("set");

// Not all timers need to be stopped to get the set results.

// Get the total results.  Result fields are:
//   - length - the number of tests in the set
//   - elapsed - the total amount of time that has elapsed for all complete timers
//   - complete - number of timers that have been 'stopped'
//   - incomplete - number of timers that have not yet been 'stopped'
//   - average - average amount of time it took the stopped timers to complete
//   - stdDeviation - standard deviation of the stopped timers
var results = Timers.getResults("set");

Contact Info


This software is available under your choice of the following licenses:

  • MPL 1.1 or later: http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  • GPL 2.0 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  • LGPL 2.1 or later: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html