Home > sharpOAuth


SharpOAuth is a project mainly written in C# and CLASSIC ASP, based on the MIT license.

Lightweight OAuth Library for .Net developed in C#

License and Acknowledgments

SharpOauth is an OAuth Consumer .Net Library Class developed in C# and distributed under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

I've coded this library as part of an addin for Microsoft Office which calls an API using the OAuth protocol having failed to find a lightweight library on OAuth.net. A fellow developer gave me a start by sharing with me some C# Code including the OAuthBase.cs class. It seems this class originated with Tim Pinkawa [http://www.timpinkawa.net/misc/oauthbasetwitter.html]. This work is built on these contributions.

It is shared on GIT Hub: https://github.com/samo9789

Code Samples

The code samples call the twitter API for test purposes. You need a Twitter consumerKey and consumerSecret to run them.

The first code sample [sample1_twitterClient] calls the Twitter API like a Desktop/Mobile application would. That means that the authorization process is completed by entering a pincode (in the console window). => To run this test, edit the file "Main.cs" and enter your consumerKey and consumerSecret then compile the project. The second code sample [sample2_twitterWeb] calls the Twitter API as a web application. Once the authorization process is completed, twitter redirects the user to the callback URL you defined in your twitter application settings. => To run this test, edit the configuration file "web.config", enter your consumerKey and consumerSecret then recompile the application.


I've tested this library in my Office Addin on a Microsoft Windows XP Environment with Visual Studio Pro. I've also worked with this library on Mac OS X using MonoOSX and MonoDevelop in order to develop the first code sample.


gmail: samantha.halfon website: www.worldgoneweb.com
