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Shoad is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, based on the View license.

Simple Hosting Oriented Account Directory

Simple Hosting Oriented Account Direcotory (SHOAD)

SHOAD is basically a frontend for an LDAP server which is supposed to hold user account and membership information in trees isolated by access control.

LDAP is supported by many software server products as an authentication and authorization backend, but the LDAP concept and, in particular, access protocol seems to be redundant for the majority of use cases. This project's mission is to implement a frontend with a simpler access by introducing some conventions.

What does this project aim to provide:

  • JSON interface for manipulating user entries
  • LDAP attribute names translation into desired JSON api names.
  • jQuery extensions for very quick implementation of UI for user account listing and editing.

Current code status is for review only. Not for use.
