Home > OpenInviter


OpenInviter is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

git repo of OpenInviter source code

OpenInviter 1.9.4

This is a copy of the OpenInviter project. Original source code can be found at: http://http://openinviter.com/download.php

This "fork" is made to be an alternative to the hosted OpenInviter, with some additions. It will contain a webservice to be used like the hosted Version, but without trusting&using an external company/webservice


Please read "install.txt" for installation introduction. Important: Copy the config.php.example to config.php

Please also read the LICENSE.txt


This "fork" contains additional file to host your own OpenInviter better.

README: this file config.php.example: renamed config.php, allows to ignore the individual config.php in git, but keeping an example file


Some file will be added in the future:

services.php: Webservice to access your local OpenInviter remote. Planed to used together with DjangoOpenInviter test.php & config.test.php: Run test against the sources to see if the OpenInviter plugin still works
