Home > shopping_assistant


Shopping_assistant is a project mainly written in SCALA and JAVA, it's free.

demo app for Positronic Net, in progress

Sample app for the Positronic Net library.

The build procedure, using sbt is something like the following:

First, install the Android SDK, sbt, and the Positronic Net library itself following instructions here.

You'll also need to get your maps API key into the resources, perhaps by putting a file named apiKey.xml into src/main/res/values, with contents like so:

    <string name="mapsKey">0xdeadbeef_your_key_goes_here_443543</string>

except replacing the content of the mapsKey tag with your actual key. (Which requires you to have a maps API key; see their docs for details.)

Lastly compile and build this app:

$ cd [your workspace]
$ git clone https://github.com/rst/shopping_assistant.git
$ cd shopping_assistant
$ sbt android:package-debug

If that all worked, you should wind up with an apk in .../shopping_assistant/target/scala_2.8.1/shoppinglists_2.8.1-0.1.apk
