Home > sign-diff


Sign-diff is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

show the diff status at left sidebar

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2712

now this plugin supports Windows though cmd.exe shows up at front most... http://tyru.yu-nagi.com/stash/screencast_vim_sign-diff.swf

diff program for windows here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/cc-env/diff-win/SIGEN.htm or see cygwin, mingw.

Usage: Commands: SDAdd add current file to diff list. current buffer will be diffed with the written file's buffer. if you want to change that, see g:SD_comp_with. SDUpdate update signs. SDEnable start showing signs. SDDisable stop showing signs. SDToggle toggle showing signs. SDList list all signs in current file

Global Variables: g:SD_backupdir (default:'~/.vim-sign-diff') backup directory to save some backup of current file. this dir will be mkdir-ed if doesn't exist.

  g:SD_diffopt (default:&diffopt)
      script local value of &diffopt.

  g:SD_diffexpr (default:&diffexpr)
      script local value of &diffopt.

  g:SD_hl_diffadd (default:'DiffAdd')
      highlight group of the added line(s).

  g:SD_hl_diffchange (default:'DiffChange')
      highlight group of the changed line(s).

  g:SD_hl_diffdelete (default:'DiffDelete')
      highlight group of the deleted line(s).

  g:SD_hl_difftext (default:'DiffText')
      highlight group of the one changed line.

  g:SD_sign_add (default:'+')
      sign of the added line(s).

  g:SD_sign_change (default:'*')
      sign of the changed line(s).

  g:SD_sign_delete (default:'-')
      sign of the changed line(s).

  g:SD_sign_text (default:'@')
      sign of the one changed line.
      see :help hl-DiffText

  g:SD_comp_with (default:['written', 'buffer'])
      g:SD_comp_with is List of two items.
      valid items are 'buffer'(same as 1), 'written',
      or number of revisions to revert.
      get diff output like the following.
      (if this value is default)
      $ diff written buffer > output

  g:SD_autocmd_add (default:['BufReadPost'])
      do autocmd for adding signs with these group

  g:SD_autocmd_update (default:['CursorHold', 'InsertLeave'])
      do autocmd for updating signs with these group

  g:SD_delete_files_vimleave (default:1)
      when starting VimLeave event,
      delete all files under g:SD_backupdir.

  g:SD_no_update_within_seconds (default:3)
      won't update within this seconds.
      0 to update each autocmd.
      see g:SD_autocmd_add and g:SD_autocmd_update
      about timing to throw event.

Tips: I suggest the following map. nnoremap :SDUpdate
