Home > signalgen


Signalgen is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Generates various audio waveforms.

This program will generate a waveform at audio ranges (0-20,000Hz). You can change the frequency, volume/amplitude, and waveform type.

This program requires:

  • Python2 [http://www.python.org/download]
  • Gstreamer [http://www.gstreamer.net/download]
  • gst-python [http://www.gstreamer.net/modules/gst-python.html]
  • urwid [http://excess.org/urwid]

Example usage:

signalgen -f 200 -v 0.5 -w triangle -V

Help Message:

Usage: signalgen [options]

Values for wave must be one of: sine, square, saw, triangle, silence, white- noise, pink-noise, sine-table, ticks, gaussian-noise. You can adjust the waveform properties at runtime by using the following keys; up/down=volume, left/right=frequency, page up/page down=waveform.

Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FREQ, --freq=FREQ frequency of signal from 0-20000, default 440 -v VOL, --volume=VOL volume of signal from 0-1, default 0.8 -w WAVE, --wave=WAVE oscillator waveform name, default 'sine' -c, --stdout outputs waveforms to stdout, default off -V, --visualize enable an X oscilloscope window, default off -a, --audio enable audio output, default on -q, --quiet don't print to stdout or stderr, default off


Run 'python setup.py install' as root.


When using the --visualize option, closing the window causes the audio
to stop playing but the program does not exit automatically.  Either the
program should exit or the audio should continue to play until the 
program is exited normally.