Home > simple_date_js


Simple_date_js is a project mainly written in COFFEESCRIPT and SHELL, it's free.

A few coffeescript enhacements to simple_form's date input

Simple Date JS

These are a few jQuery enhacements to Plataformatec's simple_form date select.

  • This version just updates the current month's days, instead of showing unconditionally 31 days per month.

  • Future version will implement a simple event model to be enable widget communication, e.g.: If you are rendering a calendar somewhere else in the document and want to reflect date select changes in there. The plugin will be implemented as a jQuery UI widget.

  • Source code is implemented in Coffeescript. The directory structure follows Barista default conventions: all *.coffee scripts under RAILS_ROOT/app/coffeescripts

  • It uses DOMBrew, a damned fast DOM builder by Gleb Mazovetskiy.

Getting the code

$ git clone https://github.com/vicentereig/simple_date_js.git

Building the code

If you want the generated Javascript to be minified donwload http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip

vicente@simba:~/Workspaces/simple_date_js $ sh build.sh
Building dombrew.js...
Building simple_date.js...
Building core-ext/date.js...
Building dombrew.min.js...
Building simple_date.min.js...
Building date.min.js...
5.1K  dombrew.js
2.4K  dombrew.min.js
2.5K  simple_date.js
1.5K  simple_date.min.js
193   date.js
171   date.min.js


Let's say that your are rendering a @simple_form@ date input.

  = form.input :check_in, :as => :date

Then you can enable the jQuery plugin:

jQuery ($) ->
jQuery( function ($) {