Home > simple_search


Simple_search is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A simple way to search a model's attributes for likenesses.. until you decide on something better.


Sometimes, for whatever reason, you might have a hard time installing that uber search engine of yours. You need something to get you going quickly. Thats where this plugin comes in.

This is just a simple way to query a database object based on some pre-determined fields, using the in-built find_by_sql but without worry about having to sanitize before hand. Due to the fact its essentially a SQL query, I wouldn't use this plugin in cases where its going to be used a lot or if you want to really have some smart searching. It's basically, a really simple search tool to get you going until you can think of something better to replace it with. :-)


You have a User model you want to do some query action on. It has a number of fields including name, email, and zip_code. Enter this in your User model:

simple_search :fields => [:name, :email, :zip_code]

Now you have a simple_search method on your User model:

User.simple_search_query("foo") #=> [#<User id:1, email:"[email protected]">]

You can pass in the order options like this...

User.simple_search_query("foo", :order => "name DESC")

&copy 2009 RubyMiner LLC, released under the MIT license