Home > simple-VN


Simple-VN is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

This is a simple Visual-Novel engine written with c++ and SFML. Further description and discussion can be found in the linked post.

  • Goal: The Goal of this Project is to create a Visual-Novel completely defined by configuration files. So that anyone who wants to create his/her own VN just can modify these files and has a complete different VN.

    Planned Features: (x = not implemented yet, I = implemented)

    • configuration and scenes with JSON-files (x)
    • easy conditions for the scenes (I)
    • advanced conditions for the scenes (x)
    • audio-support (x)
    • multiple background-images (I)
    • effects for the characters (x)
    • some more advanced effects for the sprites (x)
  • Current State: At the moment this Project is still far away from being finished and everything is still hardcoded and very bug ridden (see Known bugs).

  • HowTo compile: To compile the Conversation-engine, the project has to be linked against the following libs:

    • sfml-graphics (v. 1.6)
    • sfml-window (v. 1.6)
    • sfml-system (v. 1.6) or their static equivalents. The Include-directory from sfml-1.6 must be known too.

    The same applies for the simple-VN itself. The only difference is that the directory "header_files" of the Conversation-engine must be known too.

    I've also included a Eclipse Project File, where you only have to adjust the paths.

  • HowTo run the simple-VN: Because currently every scene/menu is hardcoded (see the CMainMenue.cpp and CGame.cpp) you need the "Data.zip" to run the actual simple-VN with it's current testing scenes. Just unzip it in the same folder where the binary is.

  • Known bugs:

    • when fading to a scene with a color and a sprite, the color fade over the sprite, making it invisible

    • crashes when changing form one scene with a sprite to another one with a sprite

    • not really a bug, but the "interface" for the conversation-engine isn't very good and it's easy to create memory leaks because of this.

    • please report any bug you encounter :)
