Home > Simple-Zendesk-Client


Simple-Zendesk-Client is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Simple Zendesk Client that:

  1. Creates a user
  2. Creates a ticket with that user as requester
  3. Marks that ticket as solved (coming, but works for the API)

You can create a Zendesk account by signing up at http://www.zendesk.com/

In the lib folder there is an implementation of Zendesk Rest API (tickets and users) using rest-client (http://github.com/archiloque/rest-client) and hpricot (https://github.com/hpricot/hpricot).

Implemented with Sinatra (http://www.sinatrarb.com/).


To run:

You need the sinatra and bundler gems installed. gem install bundler gem install sinatra (if don't work, try sudo)

Install dependencies with bundler: bundle install (or 'bundle install --path folder_name' to install to an alternate location)

bundle exec ruby client.rb

Go to your browser and access: http://localhost:4567/

Or you can use shotgun for source file reloading (recommended for developing): bundle exec shotgun client.rb


Usage (implementation of Zendesk Rest API):

require 'rest_client'

resource = ZenAPI.new 'https://your_help_desk.zendesk.com/', 'your_user', 'password' resource.list 'tickets' resource.list 'users' resource.create 'tickets', xml resource.update 'tickets', id, xml resource.delete 'tickets', id

Or you can use the Tickets/Ticket and Users/User classes, which require the ZenAPi. In this case, just change how your user/pwd is informed (have a look at Tickets::initializer and Users::initializer). The classes provide ways to deal with the XML, which should be easier than accessing the ZenAPI directly.



  • Deal with exceptions (rest-client)
  • Test if there is a user (session) before all actions (less '/' of course)
  • Implement Tickets::list_by_requester_id using X-ON-BEHALF-OF header
  • Consider pagination (some calls return 15 results per requisition)