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Simplefw is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Simple Framework - a php based, MVC web application framework

$Id: README.info 22 2009-04-27 21:44:56Z codecrea $

This is Simple Framework (simplefw). It is a distro of EZPDO (data access objects), Smarty (templating and page caching) and Scriptaculous/Prototype (AJAX controls). (edited by jy on Aug 16, 2007)

I wouldn't say that the framework is scalable. EZPDO is kinda limiting in that regard (i.e., I think it adds overhead that may be prohibitive in heavy loads). That said, it does a good job of quickly assembling persistent data storage. Almost no SQL. But no evolutionary changes, i.e., changes to your data model don't flow to established tables. I've just been dropping old tables and letting EZPDO recreate them. This is OK for dev environments but would be prohibitive in live sites.

Requirements (or at least what I've dev'd on):

  • PHP 5.2.2
  • MySQL 5.0.27

    Definitely requires PHP 5, I don't know about MySQL req. Since I've tried not to touch mysql (i.e., that's all handled by EZPDO) I guess that the mysql requirement should be the same as EZPDO.


  • magic_quotes_gpc = off (recommended)
  • allow_url_fopen = off (recommended)

Install: 1) create a database in mysql like: create database yourdatabase character set "utf8";

2) create a user for your database like: grant all on yourdatabase.* to 'yourusername'@'localhost' identified by 'password';

3) after unpacking simplefw into your web directory, the following folders need to be writable by the web server: sfw/complied - the compiled DAO's and smarty templates sfw/logs - you know, for logs sfw/cache - where smarty stashes cached web pages

4) /sfw/configs/dao/config.xml needs some editing: makesure default_dsn>mysql://yourusername:password@localhost/yourdatabase</default_dsn matches your database settings 5) /sfw/configs/sfw_config. needs some editing: make sure the URL_ROOT is the path of your install on your server

After this, you can start using the stuff. Put your classes in the data_Classes folder. They will be auto included. To persist a class, follow the EZPDO guide. Place all of your smarty templates in the templates folder.