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SimplenoteCLI is a project mainly written in PYTHON and VIM SCRIPT, it's free.

A command line interface to Simplenote (beta)



Author: Michael Goerz

SimplenoteCLI is a command line tool that provides access to the Simplenote. It consists of SimplenoteCLI.py, which is a python wrapper around the Simplenote API, as well as a independent CLI script, and simplenote.vim, which is a vim plugin (depending on SimplenoteCLI.py) for editing and managing notes in vim.

This code is licensed under the GPL


Save the SimplenoteCLI.py script somewhere in your $PATH if you want to use it as a command line tool. If you only want to use it as a backend for the vim plugin, you can place it anywhere, e.g. ~/.vim/scripts/.

Save the simplenote.vim script in ~/.vim/plugin/. Edit the file to set the s:simplenote_bin variable to point to the SimplenoteCLI.py script.


  • simplejson >= 2.1.1


Using SimplenoteCLI.py as a Command Line Tool

Usage: SimplenoteCLI.py [options] CMD ARGS

Executes given CMD, where CMD is one of the following, along with
correspondings ARGS:

list [FILENAME]               -  write list of all notes to FILENAME
                                 (or print to stdout if FILENAME not given)
search SEARCHTERM  [FILENAME] -  write list of notes matching SEARCHTERM to
                                 FILENAME (or print to stdout if FILENAME
                                 not given)
read KEY FILENAME             -  store note with KEY in FILENAME
write KEY FILENAME            -  update note with KEY with data from FILENAME
new FILENAME                  -  create new note from FILENAME
delete KEY                    -  delete note with KEY

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --email=EMAIL         Email address to use for authentification
  --password=PASSWORD   Password to use for authentification (Read warning
  --credfile=CREDFILE   File from which to read email (first line) and
                        password (second line). Defaults to
                        File in which to cache information about notes. Using
                        a cachefile can dramatically speed up listing notes.
                        File in which to cache the authentication token
  --results=RESULTS     Maximum number of results to be returned in a search
  --encoding=ENCODING   Encoding for notes written to file or read from file
                        (defaults to utf-8).
  --dead                When deleting a note, delete it permanently

You are strongly advised to use the --credfile option instead of the
--password option. Giving a password in cleartext on the command line will
result in that password being visible in the process list and your history

Using SimplenoteCLI.py as a Python API wrapper

To get information about the API implemented in SimplenoteCLI.py, start python in the same directory as SimplenoteCLI.py, and type in

import SimplenoteCLI

Using the Vim Plugin

In vim, enter


to get a listing of all notes. Use the shortcuts given at the top of the screen to edit, add, delete notes.