Home > sinatra-can


Sinatra-can is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

CanCan wrapper for Sinatra.


Sinatra::Can is a lightweight wrapper for the CanCan authorization library. It contains a partial implementation of CanCan's Rails helpers, but in Sinatra.

Check out CanCan if you don't know it: https://github.com/ryanb/cancan/


To install this gem, just use the gem command:

gem install sinatra-can

To use it in your project, just require it:

require 'sinatra/can'


Abilities are defined using a block just like with Sinatra. Here's the canonical example, which gives permission for admin users to manage and for non-admins to read:

ability do |user|
  can :manage, :all if user.admin?
  can :read, :all

You can use regular CanCan syntax, since our gem is just a wrapper:

ability do |user|
  if user.is_admin?
    can :kick, User do |victim|

Alternatively, you can use a class named Ability, which is useful if you're porting a project from Rails to Sinatra. That's the regular CanCan way:

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    can :manage, :all if user.admin?
    can :read, :all

Current User

You can pass the current user with a simple block:

user do
  User.find(:id => session[:id])

Checking Abilities

The can? method receives an action and an object as parameters and checks if the current user is allowed, as declared in the Ability. This method is a helper that can be used inside blocks:

can? :destroy, @project
cannot? :edit, @project

And in views too:

<% if can? :create, Project %>
  <%= link_to "New Project", new_project_path %>
<% end %>


Authorizing in CanCan is very neat. You just need a single line inside your routes:

def '/admin' do
  authorize! :admin, :all

  haml :admin

If the user isn't authorized, your app will return a RESTful 403 error, but you can also instruct it to redirect to other pages by defining this setting at your Sinatra configuration.

set :not_auth, '/login'

Or directly in the authorize! command itself:

authorize! :admin, :all, :not_auth => '/login'

Sinatra lacks controllers, but you can use "before" blocks to restrict groups of routes with wildcards (or even regular expressions). In this case you'll only be able to access the pages under /customers/ if your user is authorized to ":manage" some "Customers".

before '/customers/*' do
  authorize! :manage, Customers


There is a built-in condition called :can that can be used in your blocks. It returns 403 when the user has no access. It basically replaces the authorize! method.

get '/admin', :can => [ :admin, :all ] do
  haml :admin

Load and Authorize

load_and_authorize is one of CanCan's greatest features. It will, if applicable, load a model based on the :id parameter, and authorize, according to the HTTP Request Method.

The usage with this Sinatra adapter is a bit different and way simpler, and it's implemented from scratch. Since Sinatra is based on routes (as opposed to controllers + methods), you need to tell which model you want to use. It will guess the action (:view, :create, etc) using the HTTP verb, and an 'id' parameter to load the model.

It is compatible with ActiveRecord, DataMapper and Sequel.

Here's the syntax:

get '/projects/:id' do
  load_and_authorize! Project

  # It's loaded now.

There's also a handy condition:

get '/projects/:id', :model => Project do

Authorization happens right after autoloading, and depends on the HTTP verb. Here's the CanCan actions for each verb:

  • :list (get without an :id)
  • :view (get)
  • :create (post)
  • :update (put)
  • :delete (delete)

So, for a model called Projects, you can define your Ability like this, for example:

ability do |user|
  can :list, Project
  can :view, Project
  can :create, Project if user.is_manager?
  can :update, Project if user.is_admin?
  can :delete, Project if user.is_admin?

Modular Style

To use this gem in Modular Style apps, you just need to register it:

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Can


Changing Defaults

It's easy to change the default ability class. Our example looks a lot like the CanCan one, but we're doing it inside a before do...end method for flexibility: this way you can even associate different ability classes to different routes.

before do
  @current_ability ||= ::MyAbility.new(current_user)

Example App

Here's here's an example app using Modualar-style.

To test, pass your user name via the ?user= query string. /secret?user=admin should be accessible, but /secret?user=someone_else should be off limits.

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/can'

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Can

  ability do |user|
    can :read, :secret if user == "admin"

  user do

  error 403 do
    'not authorized'

  get '/secret' do
    authorize! :read, :secret
    'you can read it'

use MyApp


CanCan provides a lot of helpers, so this is just the start. The code is quite simple and any help is welcome!
