Home > sinatra_gwap


Sinatra_gwap is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

GWAP Translation game for my collective intelligence course

To run the app first you must run the bundler to ensure you have all necessary gems on your machine, from within the folder run:

bundle install

then to run the app, from within the folder again run

ruby -rubygems babel.rb

The app should then be available locally in your browser at:


*NB - this app has been developed with ruby 1.8.7, (the stable version found pre installed on all current macs!)

  1. fully commented Application files are all in the root folder, babel.rb being the first to look at. Also in the root are the Gemfile, config and development.db files.

  2. public folder contains the following CSS style sheets, one borrowed (reset.css) and one I wrote myself (style.css) Javascript - custom.js contains the script for the timer, I borrowed it but it had to be adjusted to suit my needs, closure was required at the end to make it recursive as I wanted to pass the startime with each call. Image - the logo is in tower2.jpg

  3. views - contains my embedded ruby files (.erb) - all of which I wrote myself except for the
    intial layout which i templated from someone else and adjusted to my needs.

  4. spec - This contains two test files containing one test each, I started this project with the best of agile intentions to use TDD and BDD, I wrote one test and decided I just wasn't in the mood to learn a whole new testing framework. So I hacked my way through it, shame on me (I probably should have removed the folder to hide this fact)!

FINALLY - YOU CAN SEE THE APP LIVE AT babel.heroku.com providing their site isn't down, their service to non paying clients can be iffy!
