Home > sinatra-mongoid-heroku


Sinatra-mongoid-heroku is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Small boilerplate project with my heroku basics

= sinatra-mongoid-heroku

This is just a simple boilerplate for me to use when starting a new project. It's got sinatra, mongoid, thin, and foreman in it. Mind that you must gitignore the Procfile before pushing to Heroku if you're using Bamboo, otherwise it'll break.

== ENV variables

For those who don't know how to deal with this, the config/mongoid.yml uses ENV that should be in your ~/.bash_profile like this in your dev computer:

export MONGOID_HOST="dbhost"
export MONGOID_PORT="27017"
export MONGOID_USER="user"
export MONGOID_PASS="pass"
export RACK_ENV="development"

And you should add them to your Heroku account like this:

$ heroku config:add ENV_VARIABLE=value