Home > Sinatra-Todo-List


Sinatra-Todo-List is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

This is a todo list app written in Sinatra with login using twitter_oauth.

Sinatra Todo

This is a todo list app written in Sinatra with login using twitter_oauth by Richard Taylor.

CSS Help

By the way, if anyone is a css guru and knows how to get firefox to display this like webkit, please let me know.

Webkit: Firefox:


#user_info img.avatar {
  display: block;
  position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;
  -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
  -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
  height: 35px;

Live Demo

You can see sinatra-todo running at todo.thezanino.com or sinatra-todo.heroku.com.

Local Setup

To run the application locally you’ll need to create a Twitter OAuth Application.

Once your application is setup you will have a consumer key and consumer secret. Create config.yml in the root of the app eg.

consumer_key: YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
consumer_secret: YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET
callback_url: YOUR_CALLBACK_URL
app_link: LINK_TO_YOUR_APP

Install the twitter_oauth gem:

sudo gem install twitter_oauth


ruby todo.rb

The application should now be available at http://localhost:4567/

Heroku setup

As in the local setup you will need to create a Twitter OAuth Application.

All you have to do is tell Heroku about your specific configuration. Assuming you have already pushed the application to Heroku, run the following:

heroku config:add CONSUMER_KEY=<your_consumer_key> CONSUMER_SECRET=<your_consumer_secret> CALLBACK_URL=<your_callback_url> APP_LINK=<your_heroku_link>

The application should now be running on Heroku.
