Home > Single-JAR-Jython-Example


Single-JAR-Jython-Example is a project mainly written in JAVA and PYTHON, based on the View license.

Example to show how to package a Jython application, along with 3rd party dependencies, as a single executable jar file


A self contained, executable, Jython Excel dohicky.

By Ryan McGuire



The only thing that this application does is spit out a silly Excel file using the Apache POI java library. It means to be an example of how to package your own Jython application in a manner that requires no external dependancies other than a JVM on the host computer.

To base your own project off this example you should understand how this package is organized:

  • /src Put all of your Jython source code here

  • /lib Put any .jar dependancies in this directory. Any .jar in this directory will automatically be loaded when the application starts so there is no need to mess with a CLASSPATH.

    This sample project has two dependancies:

    • Jython itself (jython-full.jar)
    • Apache POI for the excel capabilities (poi-3.5-beta5-20090219.jar). Obviously if your project doesn't work with excel files, you'd delete this file from your project.

    Since this is a Jython project, the jython jar is required in this directory. For most applications, you will want a "full" or self contained Jython .jar which contains the entire Jython /Lib directory inside. This jar should be called jython-full.jar to differentiate it from the one that the regular Jython installer builds.

    See the Jython build instructions below for more details.

  • /java-src This is meant to be a Python project, but since this is Jython, there's no reason you can't include some Java code as well, so put that in this directory.

    One thing that is required in this directory is some sort of bootstrap mechanism to start your Jython code. You can do that however you want, but a sample Main.java is included. If you call yours something different, you need to update the Manifest.MF option One-Jar-Main-Class.

  • /onejar-src Part of the technology which powers this application is the OneJar platform (http://one-jar.sourceforge.net/). This takes care of loading "jars within jars" which is a problem for the regular Java classloader. You shouldn't need to touch this code unless you want to upgrade to a later version for some reason.

    OneJar is accompanied by it's own free license called one-jar-license.txt. In order to comply with this license, the license is automatically built into any .jar that this package builds.

Building the app:

You need Apache Ant installed. It should be sufficient to just 
run 'ant' in the same directory as build.xml

Ant should create a new jar file called JythonExcelExample.jar
which you can then run:

    java -jar JythonExcelExample.jar

Building Jython:

Jython is already included in this distribution, but when new
versions of Jython come out, you may wish to upgrade. These are
the instructions you'll need for modifying the Jython jar that the
Jython installer builds so that it will work in a One-Jar

* Download the latest Jython installer (right now it's 2.5rc2) :

    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jython/jython_installer-2.5rc2.jar

* Extract the installer, there's no need to run it:

mkdir jython-exploded
cd jython-exploded
unzip ../jython_installer-2.5rc2.jar

* Add the Lib/ folder to a new jython jar:

cp jython.jar jython-full.jar
zip -r jython-full.jar Lib/

* jython-full.jar is now a complete Jython install in a single jar

  Should be about 11MB.