Home > skeLDAP


SkeLDAP is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

skeleton configs and provisioning scripts for openLDAP, includes system configs for server and client, automount ability to allow ssh keys across your enterprise


rev 20111004-002 @c3w @bestfriendchris

fixed special-character exceptions with sed and slappasswd.

set server hostname as default nfs server for auto.home. override in skel/user.ldif.skel if needed

rev 20111004-001 @c3w

added modify, delete, search

rev 20100807-001 @c3w

license: open source!


create user

skelprov [username] [email address] [firstname] [lastname]

delete user

skeldel [ldif file]

search ldap


change user password (randomly) and email instructions

skelpasswd [username] [email address]

What is skeLDAP

skeleton configs and provisioning scripts for openLDAP including system configs for server and client, plus automount ability to allow ssh keys and /home mounts across your network

Why did I write this?

There seem to be many ways to implement LDAP across your network; however, most google search results for LDAP seem to render 'HELP!' threads without an all-in-one solution. Problems such as 'whitespace' in the configs, archaic command-line parameters, and really just tons of places to make easy mistakes.

What's also missing are the proper system config files to change - things like nsswitch.conf, auto.master, hosts.allow, and required services such as nfs, autofs, rpcbind, and nfslock.

What the upshot of all this?

You'll be able to deploy and manage LDAP+automount across your network, over a cup of coffee, without mediculusly crafting google searches to find that [SOLVED] answer to the tens of things that can go wrong - and by wrong, I mean: e.g. putting ldap before files in nsswitch.conf and completely crashing your server until you can boot off a recovery CD - yeah that happened to me;)

So this project is new - what's in the box, and what's missing

So first, I'd love to get some collaborators, so read on to the 'caveats'

You get a skeleton .ldif that creates a user and an automount LDAP entry

Then you get scripts to generate that user, create their dir, generate a random password, and email the end-user. The script auto-increments the UID so you don't step on any toes. You also can choose the GID for things like development, or vpn-only access - be creative.

There is a delete script that, given a stub .ldif file will remove that user from LDAP.

There is a simple search script so you can check what's in the database.

The glue of this whole project is the system-level configs you need to get LDAP user auth and automount.

This includes pam.d/sshd, pam.d/passwd, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /exports, /etc/ldap.conf, and some 'server init' and 'client init' scripts that backup existing files and deploys the skeLDAP versions!

So now what's missing

This project is very basic - everything is bash/sed and its still really meant for sysadmins who know their way around.


You most likely got this from my github project http://github.com/c3w/skeLDAP .. its an open project, so join in!

\/peace Chas. [email protected]